

Combining AI-powered analysis with advanced data collection technology

With hundreds of thousands of bills introduced each year by state legislators across the country, pinpointing the measures that could affect your organization can seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. StateScape specializes in identifying only those measures that impact your unique set of interests, and we monitor them in real time from introduction through enactment. Our AI-assisted analyst filtering and AI-powered summaries further streamline your legislative tracking, ensuring you receive the most relevant insights quickly and efficiently.



Search bills from across the country using our comprehensive platform. Boolean searching allows you to pinpoint your issues with precision, while our relevancy sorting and detailed AI-generated summaries ensure you get to the most important bills quickly. Save important bills in your tracking database to get progress updates, build reports, and more. Bill Finder is available as a monthly or annual standalone subscription for those who prefer to do their own bill tracking, and it is always included as a feature with our Bill Finder Plus and AI-Assisted Analyst Filtering services.


Using the latest in machine learning and natural language processing technology, our legislative tracking software will auto-populate a database of bills that captures your defined subject scope. AI-powered summaries provide concise, easy-to-digest overviews of each bill, allowing you to assess relevance at a glance.


StateScape’s AI-assisted analyst filtering enables clients to focus their legislative tracking around the nuanced context and application of a bill, rather than just keywords or terms. Our AI technology-assisted analysis pre-filters bills based on your subject scope, significantly reducing the volume of irrelevant legislation. Experienced analysts personally refine and categorize the legislation to ensure accuracy and specificity. This hybrid approach optimizes efficiency, allowing you to focus on highly relevant bills without time-consuming manual review.


With the click of a button, narrow your search to only those bills that have reached the point of enactment. Short on time? Receive AI-generated summaries and email alerts as soon as a state or federal legislature passes a bill that may impact you.



AI-Powered Summaries

Get concise, automatically generated summaries of legislative measures for quick review.

Custom Group Notes

Add comments, analysis, tags, or other information to legislative records and share them with your team.

Personal Notes

Similar to Group Notes, but this function allows you to keep the information you add to a legislative record private.

Email Alerts

Subscribe to alerts on individual bills or whole subject categories, delivered straight to your inbox.

Email-It Tool

With the click of a button, send a pre-formatted email containing full bill text to a client or colleague.

Compliance Alerts

Receive AI-driven email alerts for newly enacted bills only.

Hearing Dates Filter

Filter the bills in your tracking database by upcoming hearing dates.


Highlight important terms in a bill to zero-in on the parts that matter most.

Legislative Timeline

Watch a bill's progress from introduction through enactment by following an easy-to-read automated timeline.

Legislative History

View the full history of a bill as it moves through the legislative process in chronological, or reverse-chronological order.

Sponsor Information

Get up-to-date contact information for a bill's sponsor, as well as their committee assignments and rank.

State Backdrop

View a comprehensive snapshot of a state's session information including start and adjournment dates, filing deadlines, leadership details, and more.

Bill Text Links

Always view the most current version of a bill and its supporting documents by direct hyperlink to the state's website; updated in real-time.

Customized Banner

Incorporate your organization’s logo within the StateScape tracking platform for a customized look for your staff, members, or clients.

Bill Version Compare

Read side-by-side marked up versions of amended vs. current bill text to see how it has changed over time.

Report Formatting

Generate reports in a variety of formats including HTML, Word, Excel, and an interactive heat map for a more visually engaging display of the bills you’re tracking.

Quick Links Tool

Easily save your customized reports to view later on, or share them with colleagues and clients.

Personal Lists

Flag your own subset of bills contained within a report. This is especially useful for larger organizations with multiple users who have different areas of focus.



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